It’s Holiday Time; Let’s Speak Frankly About Sex

And when it was question time, the girls had a lot
to say to us.
Asked to write down their takeaways at the end of
the day, below are some of the lessons learnt by our amazing girls:
1. I
learnt that we should not follow bad boys.
2. I
learnt that we should know how to keep our body and as girls, we should know
how to say NO.
3. I
leant that we should not allow the challenges we face now bring us down.
4. I
learnt that I have the right to protect myself and say NO to any sexual
5. I
learnt that we should not give ourselves so easily to boys or men.
6. I
learnt that we should not go to boy’s house when we are asked to come.
7. I
learnt that it is not good to tell any man that you are virgin.
8. I
learnt that it is not good to rush into marriage.
9. I
learnt that we should not be intimidated and not be in a hurry to have sex.
10. I learnt that we should not be in a
hurry to have sex and we should not rely on any one or be intimidated by

12. I learnt that we should trust no one,
especially boys.
13. I learnt that my brokenness is not an
excuse to fail because every challenge I face is for me to get stronger because
God cannot give me challenges that I cannot surpass.
14. I learnt that we should always be strong
no matter the challenges.
15. I learnt that you should never tell anybody
you are a virgin and always keep yourself safe.
16. I learnt that we should speak out and
don’t cover up
17. I learnt that you should put your life
in God’s hands so that he may take care of you
18. I learnt that I should not be
discouraged but be focused.
20. I learnt that we have to be focused and
not let our background makes us a failure.
21. I learnt that we should not run after
men in whatever condition we are.
22. I learnt that your broken home does not
determine your future ambition or what you become in life.
23. I learnt that there is no reason or
excuse for failure as no one is born or created as a failure.
24. I learnt that we should learn how to
speak out no matter our challenges
25. I learnt that you should always share
your problem with elders because a problem shared is a problem solved.
26. I learnt that as a young lady, we should
act smart; we should always put God first in everything we are going through.
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