Linking Hands Foundation Partners with Bestspring Foundation

As part of efforts to stem the tide of teenage pregnancy and its attendant problems, it became expedient for us at Bestspring Foundation, through its Girls Arise Initiative, to educate our schoolgirls at Ijegun on their reproductive health rights. And so on Saturday 15th July, we partnered with Linking Hands Foundation and its allies to organise a conference on Menstrual Hygiene.
Linking Hands Foundation, headed by Mrs. EfeFarinre, offered to support us with Re-useable pads, which was graciously supplied by Days For Girls International and refreshments.
It was a very warm and interactive session with  Dr. AramideOteju, Mrs. EfeFarinre and myself sharing deep truths with the over sixty girls in attendance. We spoke about menstrual cycle, ovulation and sex. We spoke about the challenges girls face during menstrual periods and how it often prevents them from attending school.
The girls were thoroughly excited when they were introduced to the re-useable pads package as a better alternative, considering that many already had problems with buying regular branded pads like Always, Diva, Dr. Brown, Lady Care or other local brands like Cotton wool, Toilet tissue and Rags.
The girls asked questions on how to manage menstrual pain and hygiene, mood swings, and peer group pressures that often lure them into sex and sometimes unwanted pregnancy.

It was indeed an insightful and informative experience for the girls. Much more it was a blessed day because they found a ready solution to the nagging problem of managing menstruation without distraction or shame.


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