Girls of Many Colours

The program started 9:00am and the opening prayer was taken one of the members of Diva ladies. After the opening prayer, each student introduce herself and the national anthem was taken by one of the student of Queensland Academy.
A debate was held between Queensland Academy and Solid Rock Academy. The topic was tagged “Am different which means I am better than you”.  Queensland Academy opposed the motion while Solid Rock Academy supported the motion. Finally, Queensland Academy won the debate with 81%. The following points were raised during the debate:    
1. Ability
2. Culture
3.  Family background
4. Religion and so on
The Solid Rock Academy has 55% and with a few points such as:
1.  Confidence
2.   Being the best in your field
3. And try to be the best that you are
After the debate, the guest speakers were introduced: Mrs. Pst. Isabel and Mrs. Kelvin Moses.
Mrs. Isabel spoke on being yourself and she talked about having a dream and focusing on the dream. She also talked about being a pacesetter and never let anything bring you down. She asked a question that what is the problem of Nigeria is. Some student responded saying poor administration, corruption, examination malpractice, bribery and so on. She then asked for the solution and all the students answered “we the people”.
Mrs. Kelvin Moses spoke on ‘discover what you like doing or what you have passion for’. Some said is Artist, Actress, Medicine and assisting people. She briefly talked about her story that she study Accounting and Finance but she did not have passion for Accounting. She said she had passion for lecturing people on etiquette and she is doing well in it. She told us to try to build a high self esteem in our self and bring out our inner beauty.
One of the members of Diva ladies talked about make-up which means to enhance your beauty. She said this make-up is not for teenagers, it is for women. Women use make-up to look like teenagers. She said it is normal for girls at this stage to have eczema, pimples but it will go. She said we should try to wash our face in the morning and evening and not to make-up and focus on our study.
Later a talk show took place with the two speakers and the host of the girls with many colours.
Mrs. Isabel talked about the relationship between beauty and purity? She asked a question that is there any difference between beauty and purity? Yes. She talked about value that girls have value no matter your age and we are all amazing. Then the next speaker also talked about value and purity, she said we should be aware of the choice and decision we make and we should make the right choice and decision which will influence our future, she added by saying your today decision will affect your tomorrow which will be guided and guard by your parents.
Mrs. Isabel said every decision you make in life come with a consequence. She said above all, self-esteem comes from yourself.
A film was shown by the host which the founder of the God’s Own Diva Club narrated on how, when and the purpose of the club. She said she was in a place and God told her that where my women who are colourfully, fearfully and wonderfully made which my grace bestowed upon them 9 years ago. In 2014, she called her friend together and they founded the colour all over the nations of earth. She said ladies and girls should try to put away the issues of boyfriend off our mind and the devil is also introducing some bad and exposing cloth and make-up, we should stay away from it. She said how can we exhibit our colours is to keep it. She said who is the God of many colours? Colour is God; idea of rainbow is the light breakdown to 7 colours. Rainbow is the sign of purity that come from the holiness of God. She said your beauty is your originality. She said your discovery gives your life a meaning. Destiny is God plans for you. She said girls of many colours are girls that fight for purpose, shining brightly with glory because they are fearfully and wonderfully made by God.
After that, question were asked and answered by the guest speakers.
Refreshments were given and the club song was sung by Diva Funmi with closing prayer.
I learnt to be bolf, fight for purpose and my beauty us my originality. Thank you
Kazeem Wuraola said she learnt to have self-esteem and also be cheerful.
Dameida Tosin said that she should have self-esteem and be bold
Adebiyi Hannah said we should be bold
Kazeem Damilola said that God has many colours, we should not see our self as ugly people and we should be original.
Christopher Favour said she learnt to have confidence, be bold and we should always say to ourselves that “I am amazing”. Also, when a boy tells u I love you, tell him that God loves you so what is special about your love.


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