Let's Talk About Values and Integrity

The Girls Arise meeting started with praise and worship. Sis Tope revised the previous meeting topic “empowerment” with the girls. She discussed “Value” with the girls. Opeyemi defined value as a worth of something. Calister said value is an esteem that an individual or the societies cherish. Aunty Tope defined value as principle or standard of behavior. It also means one’s judgment of what is important in life e.g. respect, charity, excellence, she said. It means guidelines or principles that assist you to decide what s right and what is wrong and how to act in various situations. She then asked, is it good to have values? All the girls replied “Yes”. Aunty Tope mentioned Integrity as an importance of value. What is Integrity?, she asked the girls. Semilore said it is an act of having a moral principle. Calister said it is being bold. Aunty Tope said integrity is the quality of being honest, hardworking and having strong moral principle. It is also doing a right...